A blog about technology, interesting facts, entertainment

About Us

Hey, Friend.

So you want to know about us, then you are landed in right place.
So we are human like you who lived a casual life on this planet earth.

hahahaha!!! just a joke apart. Don't mind.

We are a group of two person and also a good friend. We are studying electronic engineering from west Bengal. Now it is obvious to came in your mind "why we have started blogging?"

So we have think to do it part-time as now we are in the learning mode. We like to share our thought with others. And it is a better way to share our thought around the world with different people. Thats doesn't mean that we are genious. we are just trying to learn new thing as well as spreading those little knowledge to other reader like you who want to learn something new.

So do follow our blog  regularly to stay connect with us. 


Hey guys, Nowadays, technology and science make our life easier. We are using technology in our day to day life. Most of the things we us...